Staying In The Know..

In today's world, there are so many platforms to receive news that it can be overwhelming to decide where to turn to for your daily fix. Below I have compiled a short list of where I turn to on a daily or weekly basis to stay in the know.

Westchester Magazine

My home, Westchester County, NY, is a place unlike any other. Full of cities and small waterfront towns, horse country and bustling city streets, celebrities and politicians, restaurants and shops for everything you can think of, it is the ultimate paradox. My go to place to receive all news Westchester is Westchester Magazine. Flipping through the pages will give you information about legal issues our people are facing, community events, real estate options, the hot-spots of the month, local business guides, high school charts, top dentists and doctors, and so much more.

Fox News 

When I am feeling political (which, let’s be real, is a lot less often than I should be in today’s world), Fox News is one source of news I have always been exposed to. Although I do not consider myself to have a true political identity, and I try my hardest to not focus on the back and forth war between Republicans and Democrats today, I feel like Fox News does best to represent opinions of both sides. While they are associated with the far-right conservative political party, I personally can absorb the way they send out information better than any other news channel. I enjoy a more factual portraying of information as opposed to opinions and stories. 


I know this is going to make me sound like a mom who stays home all day and has nothing better to do while she waits to pick her kids up from soccer practice, but Women’sHealth is my girlie guru guide to all news health and wellness. So many girls today are constantly being swayed in different directions about health and their body: what they should look like, what they should be eating, what diet trends are going on, what celebrities have a new workout program out for a zillion dollars (No. Thank you!). 

Women’sHealth is ran and operated by women of all ages and all experiences. They give advice and tips for the genuine girls that want to take real care of themselves instead of only following the celebrity trends. Sure, there still is the occasional post about Kylie Jenner and her daughter’s matching beach outfits (they have to keep up with the drama a little bit!), but most of the posts are about fun ways to get your steps in, or easy healthy meals on the go! For everything from health and beauty, to relationships and recipes, Women’sHealth is my go-to source. 

The Chill Times 

Everyone has to indulge in a little gossip here and there, right? When im feeling the need I turn to The Chill Times. Although this is an unconventional platform of news, pop culture is so prevalent in our society that it is necessary to keep up with the time if you do not want to commit social suicide. The Chill Times is the NY Times of all things modern and eclectic. Fashion, celebrities, trends, technology, wellness, home are only a few of the things that this new age news platform touches on. 

The Ellen Show 

Some days there is just a need for light and airy news. On days like this I turn to one of my favorite people: Ellen DeGeneres. Her comedic approach to news topics grabs attention and makes her a role model for so many people: both male and female, old and young. Not only does Ellen speak about pressing political and world news, she also brings attention to common people and children who are doing great things. From helping others and raising money for charity, to recognizing people with special talent, Ellen celebrates them all (her dance moves aren’t that bad either!). 
