Don't Hold It In!

Can you imagine a society where you were unable to share any of your own opinions or ideas? A society that did not let you speak out about your frustrations and concerns with the government or let you express your disapprovals for how something in government is run. If you couldn't speak your mind about your frustrations don't you think people would pent up their anger and eventually explode violently? This is the reason we value stable change in free expression. 

It is suggested that in societies where people who have disprovals are unable to speak out or vent about their issues with leadership there is a greater possibility for unstable relationships and violence between these unhappy citizens and their government officials. When people feel like they do not have a say in how they are controlled they tend to act out and become aggressive. The need for stable change stems from the idea made by Benedict Spinoza in Tractatus-Theologico Politicus. Spinoza makes it clear that the ultimate purpose of society is not to dominate or control people, or subject them to the authority of another, but to free everyone from fear, so that they may live in a secure and stable environment.In addition to letting people vent for the purpose of minimizing violence, allowing people to speak freely also enables the government to monitor potentially harmful groups who make act out anyway. Keeping the actions of these groups on their radar allows the government to know exactly what they are feeling and when there may be an outbreak because of it. This keeps all citizens safe and in the loop on the potential negative actions that could impact their lives.

Recently, the state of Kentucky released the Ky. Bill that insured free speech on college campuses. The Supreme Court has said that open areas to the public should be open for free speech to everyone, including college students on their campuses, so students should be allowed, as long as they’re not interfering with classes or the learning environment, to speak out about political and religious issues in open areas. This bill will not only allow these college students to speak about their frustrations, but it will also allow administration to listen and hear what their students are feeling. 

Can you picture how frustrating of a life you would live if you could not express your own frustrations and opinions? While need for free speech goes well beyond the need for self-expression, it is important for all people to be understood, heard and felt important in order to minimize violence and create stable social changes.
