Trump and His Infamous Tweeting

I think everyone knows that President Trump is infamous for his tweeting of political matters on his personal twitter account, but they may not know that he is fighting a federal appeals court case against two American citizens who he has blocked from this account. Federal appeals court judges in New York City heard arguments in a First Amendment case last week on whether President Donald Trump can ban people from his personal Twitter account he uses to conduct political and presidential business. 

An example of politically charged tweets by President Trump

The plaintiffs argued that the president has developed a forum on his personal account that provides political and governmental information they have a right to as American citizens. It is argued that this exclusion is a violation of their first amendment right to free speech. The appeals court will have to decide the extent to which the First Amendment governs the social media. President Trump has claimed presidential immunity on the subject and has claimed that the First Amendment does not apply. 

While I do sway more right in my political opinions, I do feel that President Trump is in the wrong in this instance. He does make statements and comments about many important political events and government issues on this Twitter account and if he is choosing to do this on his personal account he should be ready for criticism and backlash. All Americans have the right to receive the same amount of information. 

By choosing to use his personal twitter for political information, instead of a business or government twitter page, President Trump should be ready to forfeit the same rights that private Twitter accounts have such as blocking people from following and commenting on his posts. 
