Privacy and the Digital Age

Privacy in today’s technologically savvy world can be a hard thing to accomplish. Many people think that creating a fake Facebook profile or not linking their Gmail to their browser keeps their information secure. The truth is that privacy goes way beyond the information you put up about yourself on the internet. Did you know that if you own and drive a registered vehicle in the United States, the government has detailed files on everywhere you take that vehicle? 

Not only does the government and local police departments utilize high definition cameras on the roadways that can track any license plate number, but they can also access logs of information provided by GPS systems including google and apple maps. Yes, that is correct!! Every time you get into your car with your phone you are giving the government insight as to where you go during your days. This can provide information on things such as whether you attend religious services, where/how often you go to doctor’s appointments and whether you attend alcoholics anonymous. 

Not only are these very personal things, but they are things no one asked permission to have. 

In my opinion mass technology is a scary advancement. Sure it helps to keep people up to the trends and provides information in the blink of an eye, but when people start to look at what they are giving up in order to receive this information, I believe that most would be heavily hesitant to continue in their ways. 
